Monday, December 17, 2012

28 weeks

I am now in my third trimester! 

I saw my Doctor a few days ago. I had a follow up ultrasound to check the cord. I have velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord. Which is fine as long as it doesn't run near the cervix which mine doesn't. He is going to do another ultrasound in 6 weeks and a few non-stress tests as I get closer just to be cautious but he is very optimistic that I can go full term with no problems.  I measured at 27 1/2 inches, right on schedule but the baby measured 10 days ahead of schedule on the ultrasound. So obviously the placenta is working just fine. (hopefully it's not just a big head)

I am feeling pretty good so far. I am tired but it's not the baby who pitter patters into my room in the middle of the night. My back bothers me most on days that are busy when I do a lot of running around, but the physical therapy and exercises are helping. I do get heartburn but it doesn't stop me from eating whatever sounds good even if it is onions or something acidic. I never was very big with my first pregnancy. But in these last two weeks I have really grown a lot in size. I am even starting to get "cankles" AHH!! It's almost impossible to rest and put up my feet between chasing my 3 year old, working, and getting ready for Christmas. My wedding ring is starting to feel a little tight too. Hopefully I don't continue to swell.

My life is going to change a lot in the next few months. I am going to quit working and stay home full time with my two little boys. I am really looking forward to this. Chief is coming up on age 4 so it will be nice to be more flexible with my schedule for preschool and activities for him. I am happy to think of being with the new little one all the time without having to worry about pumping milk or depending on someone else to keep him on schedule or care for him. I feel like I am now entering a whole new "mothering" stage. I have always wanted to be a mom and this is my time to really make it my priority and enjoy it as much as I can. I feel so blessed.

Saturday, December 1, 2012